Dublin post-punk/indie rock band SCATTERED ASHES have unveiled their new single “Battles“.
Defined by urgent guitars and prophetic vocals, the band matches aggressive sonic textures with a strict sense of space. Taking cues from the likes of Killing Joke, Interpol and Joy Division the band sit in a darker lane than many of their contemporaries.
‘Battles’ is out now via Reckless Records and finds the band as their most prophetic. It follows last year’s tracks ‘Feral’ and ‘This New Will’.
Speaking about it, singer Rob says:
’Battles’ speaks of the dire consequences of addiction. Lost in its throes, you begin to shed your own humanity becoming a slave to both desire and the chaos that accompanies it. Redemption can seem further and further away as you even become unrecognisable to yourself. Despite this the song puts a spotlight on ‘the Good Samaritan’ who refuses to leave the narrator’s side despite the trail of destruction in their wake. ‘Battles’ is a sombre meditation on despair and fragility in a finite world, as well as man’s capacity for change. “A story of sorrow, a story of shame, broken and hollow, can’t remember my name…” ‘Battles’ casts a rather acute spotlight on the shame associated with addiction and the long road to recovery, hence the title. It has been an issue for the band in the past, but one that bound us together in a lot of ways.“
Grab it here and stream it below.