Vancouver, BC post punk / cold wave /goth band SPECTRES have premiered their new single “Are You There“.
The track, featuring guest vox by Michelle from Canadian synthpop band Nouveaux, is out now via Artoffact Records, and follows on from their recent album ‘Presence‘, released last month. Grab it here.
Take a listen below.
Speactres are: Brian Gustavson – Vocals, Zach Batalden – Guitar, Mitch Allen – Drums, Adam Mitchell – Guitar and Jason Renix – Bass. They have been on the forefront of the post punk genre resurgence since 2005 and are commonly cited as kicking off the renewed interest in this sound. Emerging from the DIY Punk underground, Spectres vocalist and founder Brian Gustavson wanted to blend the grassroots and independent ethic of anarcho-punk with the anomie and cold, modulated sounds of 1980’s Post Punk and death rock.
Though the band’s output has matured with time to embrace a wider range of new-wave and shoegaze influences their ethos remains rooted in anarcho punk. The blending of these influences allows for the curious juxtaposition of 80’s influenced pop sensibilities with lyrics that explore the alienation and cynicism of modern life and the search for hope in an increasingly terrifying world.