swim school Premiere New Single “Bored”

swim school Premiere New Single "Bored"
Photo by RORY

Edinburgh-based indie rock/alt/indie pop band Swim School have premiered their catchy new single “Bored“.

The track is out now and is the follow-up to their recent EP ‘Duality’, released earlier this month (June 1st) via LAB Records. Buy it here.

Speaking about it, vocalist Alice Johnson says:

“It’s a powerful song which is a middle-finger to others who don’t support you and talk behind your back. The song has very tongue-in-cheek lyrics, making something positive out of the negative.”

Take a listen below.

swin school Upcoming Festivals Dates:

2 July – Barn of the Farm
7 July – TRNSMT
21 July – Secret Garden Party
27 July – Y Not Festival
28 July – Kendall Calling
11 Aug – 110 Above
25 Aug – Camper Calling