Shelf Lives Unleash “PVC Real Estate” Music Video

Shelf Lives Unleash "PVC Real Estate" Music Video

London-based post punk/trash pop/electro-clash duo Shelf Lives have unleashed the video for their latest single ​”PVC Real Estate”.

The track features on their latest EP ‘You Okay?‘, released in October last year via Modern Sky Records. Grab it here if you haven’t already.

Speaking about it, they say:

PVC Real Estate is essentially about LA’s growing homeless population, specifically focusing on the city’s struggle with maintaining its glamourous façade despite it. It highlights the dark contrast of hitting rock bottom and being homeless in a city that is often glamorized for its sunny and luxurious lifestyle. We paired the California dreamin’ and sunny disposition that permeates the city with lyrics that touch upon the persistent ‘itch’, both from drug addiction and the desire to “make it” in LA, contributing to the complexities of being a resident of the city as well as the homeless experience.”

Of the video, director Holly Hunter adss: “I loved the song’s concept that LA is an artificial set, built to appear perfect and pristine, but in reality there’s a lot of fakery and facade going on! We brought this to life by playfully creating a hyper real California beach constructed totally out of trash and repurposed materials (complete with a team of LA street cleaners) and put Shelf Lives at the heart of the LA fantasy.”

Watch the George Turnbull & Leo Turnbull-directed video below.

Shelf Lives “PVC Real Estate”
Shelf Lives Upcoming Tour Dates


1st Mar – The Prince Albert, Brighton
6th-10th Mar – The New Colossus Festival, New York
11th Mar – SXSW, Austin, Texas
22nd Mar – Ways Around Fest, Brussels
26th Mar – Supersonic, Paris
28th Mar – L’antipode, Rennes
29th Mar – Le Tetris, Le Havre
30th Mar – Farrm, Hasselt

3rd April – Luxor Live (2nd Hall), Arnhem
5th April – Slachthuis, Haarlem

10th-13th July – 2000 Trees Festival